Flight Plan

Your one-stop resource to maximize your Mastermind Experience.

Week At A Glance

The Events team has been working hard to finalize all of our Altitude events for 2022 - check it out and save these dates!! https://events2022.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/Altitude+2022+Events+(1).pdf
🏆 7FF AWARDS 🏆 - Apply now!
The 1st Deal Award is for you if you have reached that Milestone in Runway and sold your first deal!
The Lift Off Award is for you if you have upgraded from Runway to the Altitude Group in the last year
The 7F Club Award - Have you have reached 7 Figures gross profit in your house flipping and wholesaling business in the last 12 months.
The Freedom Award, have you reached a level of Freedom, financially, Time, or in Impacting the world?
Apply Here: https://7ff.7figureflipping.com/awards
Grab your tickets as the price will continue to go up! Head on over to the Events page in the Flight Plan and make it happen, use the code 7FFMEMBER for the exclusive member discount
You're already talking FHL up and telling people how amazing it is. Why not win some amazing things while you're at it. To sign up and see all the details of the affiliate contest: https://fliphackinglive.com/memberaffiliate
If you are having any trouble or have any questions, reach out to the support team and we will make sure to take care of you: [email protected]

Last Week's Highlights

#WINNING from Derek Bottoms - most profitable deal in real estate

#DISCUSSION from Sheri Fuellen - creative marketing

#ASK from Sarah Carlyle - new LLC for each property

#INSIGHT from Justin Taylor - focus

#INSIGHT from Kaitlyn Phillips - Roth IRA

#ASK from Chris Maddox - paying project managers

#WINNING from Lindsay Arko - closed a deal

#INSIGHT from Adam Whitney - corporate transparency act

#SHARE from Adam Whitney - RE bookkeeping

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